Ronald Aarts was born in 1956, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He received a BSc degree in electrical engineering in 1977, and a PhD in physics from Delft University of
Technology in 1995. He joined the Optics group at Philips Research Laboratories (formerly known as the NatLab), Eindhoven, the Netherlands in 1977 and initially investigated servos and signal processing
for use in both Video Long Play players and Compact Disc players. In 1984 he joined the Acoustics group at Philips Research Labs and worked on the development of CAD tools and
signal processing for loudspeaker systems. In 1994 he became a member of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) group at Philips Research and has led research projects on the
improvement of sound reproduction, by exploiting DSP and psycho-acoustical phenomena.
In 2003 he became a Philips Fellow at Philips Research, and extended his interests in engineering to medicine and biology in particular sensors, signal
processing, and systems for ambulatory and unobtrusive-monitoring, sleep, cardiology, perinatology, drugs response monitoring (DRM), and epilepsy-detection.
He has published over 450 papers and reports, and holds
over 250 first patent application filings
including over 170 US first patent applications and over 110 granted US-patents in the afore mentioned fields.
Philips presented him the Gilles Holst Award (1999), the Gold Invention Award (2012), the Gold with Diamond Invention Award (2018), and the Eureka Award (2001 and 2014). He has served on a number of organizing committees and as chairman for various international conventions.
He is an IEEE Fellow (2007) and winner of the IEEE Chester Sall Award (2017); an AES (Audio Engineering Society) Silver Medal recipient (2010), Fellow (1998), and past-governor, see here for pictures, and here for pictures at fun moments.
Ronald is part-time full-professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) since 2006, mainly supervising Master and PhD students; and president of Aarts Consultancy (Adviesbureau Aarts), since 1990. In 2019 Ronald retired from Philips, focussing now on his academic and consultancy work, the latter on engineering and intellectual property (IP) issues.
'I’m an advocate for the four P’s: People (Cooperations), Patents (Engineering), Papers (Science), and Products (Valorization). Those four P’s have been keeping me ticking for over 40 years.'
Publications listed in inverse chronological order. Within a year the order is chronological and according to the categories reviewed (journal) publications, (only) granted US-patents, conference publications, book(s) (chapters), and miscellaneous. The blue colored text and numbers are hyperlinks. The reports are not included in the list.
Please notice that the materials are presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Caiyun Ma, Zhijun Xiao, Lina Zhao, Shany Biton, Joachim A. Behar, Xi Long, Rik
Vullings, Ronald M. Aarts, Jianqing Li, and Chengyu Liu.
A Review on Atrial Fibrillation Detection from Ambulatory ECG,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 71(3):876-892,
Dandan Zhang, Zheng Peng, Shaoxiong Sun, Carola van Pul, Caifeng Shan, Jeroen
Dudink, Peter Andriessen, Ronald M Aarts, and Xi Long.
Characterising the motion and cardiorespiratory interaction of
preterm infants can improve the classification of their sleep state,, first published: 19 march 2024.
Acta Paediatrica, 113(6):1236-1245, June 2024.
Chunjiao Dong, Johannes van Dijk, Ronald M. Aarts, Yunfeng Wang, and Xi Long.
Deep Learning for Nocturnal Seizure Detection with Accelerometry and
Photoplethysmography Signals from a Wearable Armband, IEEE ?, Vol. ?, pp.
?-?, 2024, Art no. ?, doi: ?
Xueting Li, Simona Turco, Ronald M. Aarts, Hessel Wijkstra, and Massimo Mischi.
Delayed Matrix Pencil method for Local Shear Wave Viscoelastographic
Estimation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Update 5,, Available online 23 April 2024
Caiyun Ma, Xi Long, Weijie Sheng, Rik Vullings, Meicheng Yang, Lina Zhao,
Ronald M. Aarts, Jianqing Li, and Chengyu Liu.
An Atrial Fibrillation Detection Strategy in Dynamic ECGs With
Significant Individual Differences, 2024, V(73), pp. 1-10,
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
Warner Rudolph Theophile ten Kate, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Mark Thomas Johnson,
and Patrick Kechichian.
Method and apparatus for detecting a fall by a user, April 2024.
US patent 11,948,443.
Luan Vinícius Fiorio, Ronald M. Aarts, et al.
Spectral Masking with Explicit Time-Context Windowing for Neural
Network-Based Monaural Speech Enhancement, Submitted to: Interspeech, Kos
Island, Greece, 2024 September 1-5.
Alex Young, Luan Vinícius Fiorio, Bo Yang, Boris Karanov, Wim van Houtum,
and Ronald Aarts.
Hybrid Real- and Complex-valued Neural Network Architecture,
ECAI-2024 (27th European Conference on Artifical Intelligence), Santiago de
Compostela, Spain, 19-24 Oct. 2024.
Ronald M. Aarts.
An overview of papers in the field of loudspeakers and sound
reproduction produced by the chair of SPS on AM of the TUe, 2024 Feb. 20.
Dandan Zhang.
Towards unobtrusive sleep monitoring of preterm infants.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Nov. 14
2024, with supervisors Prof. dr. Ronald M. Aarts and dr. X. Long.
Caiyun Ma, Zhongyu Wang, Lina Zhao, Xi Long, Rik Vullings, Ronald M. Aarts,
Jianqing Li, and Chengyu Liu.
Deep Learning-Based Signal Quality Assessment in Wearable ECG
Monitoring, 50th Computing in Cardiology conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
V. 50, DOI: 10.22489/CinC.2023.017, 1-4 Oct. 2023.
Shaoxiong Sun, Eric Bresch, Jens Muehlsteff, Lars Schmitt, Xi Long, Rick
Bezemer, Igor Paulussen, Gerrit J. Noordergraaf, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Systolic blood pressure estimation using ECG and PPG in patients
undergoing surgery.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, online Aug. 2022,
Volume 79, Part 1, January 2023, 104040.
Dandan Zhang, Zheng Peng, Carola van Pul, Sebastiaan Overeem, Wei Chen, Jeroen
Dudink, Peter Andriessen, Ronald M. Aarts, and Xi Long.
Combining cardiorespiratory signals and video-based actigraphy for
classifying preterm infant sleep states, Nov. 11 2023, Children 2023, 10,
1792. , .
Chunjiao Dong, Johannes P. van Dijk, Xi Long, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Using 2D CNN to detect sever seizures based on accelerometer and
photoplethysmography signals.
9th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference, 2023 January
26-27, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
Maarten Petrus Joseph Kuenen, Murtaza Bulut, Charles Frederik Sio,
Ronaldus Maria Aarts, and Chaitanya Dongre.
Assessing the functional ability of a person to perform a task, Jan.
3 2023.
US patent 11,540,757.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus Maria
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
March 28 2023.
US patent 11,617,018.
Luan Vinícius Fiorio, Boris Karanov, Johan David, Wim van Houtum, Frans
Widdershoven, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Semi-supervised learning with per-class adaptive confidence scores
for robust acoustic environment classification with imbalanced data.
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing (ICASSP 2023), Rhodes, Greece, 2023 June 4-9.
Zheng Peng, Dandan Zhang, Carola van Pul, J. (Rong-Hao) Liang, Peter
Andriessen, Ronald M. Aarts, and Xi Long.
Improving video-based actigraphy for sleep monitoring of preterm
infants, IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application &
Services, IEEE Healthcom 2023 - Chongqing, China Duration: 15 Dec 2023 - 17
Dec 2023.
Yao Guo, Xinyu Jiang, Linkai Tao, Long Meng, Chenyun Dai, Xi Long, Feng Wan,
Yuan Zhang, Johannes van Dijk, Ronald M. Aarts, Wei Chen, and Chen Chen.
Epileptic seizure detection by cascading isolation forest-based
anomaly screening and easyensemble.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation
Engineering, 30:915-924, 2022.
Chunjiao Dong, Tianchun Ye, Xi Long, Ronald M. Aarts, Johannes van Dijk,
Chunheng Shang, Xiwen Liao, Wei Chen, Wanlin Lai, Lei Chen, and Yunfeng Wang.
A Two-Layer Ensemble Method for Detecting Epileptic Seizures Using a
Self-Annotation Bracelet With Motor Sensors, IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 71, pp. 1-13, 2022, Art no. 4005013,
doi: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3173270.
Ronaldus Maria Aarts and Laurentia Johanna Huijbregts.
Apparatus for measuring a physiological parameter using a wearable
sensor, March 1 2022.
US patent 11,259,709.
Joachim Kahlert, Maarten Petrus Joseph Kuenen, Calina Ciuhu, Laurentia Johanna
Huijbregts, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, and Rick Bezemer.
Patient monitoring, May 3 2022.
US patent 11,317,857.
Ihor Olehovych Kirenko, Chaitanya Dongre, and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
Devices, system and methods for determining a priority level and/or
conversation duration of a call, June 7 2022.
US patent 11,356,554.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus Maria
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
June 21 2022.
US patent 11,368,764.
Koray Karakaya, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Maarten Petrus Joseph Kuenen, and Kiran
Hamilton J. Dellimore.
System and method for determining a risk level of a respiratory
attack, July 19 2022.
US patent 11,389,062.
Nico Maris Adriaan De Wild, Igor Wilhelmus Franciscus Paulussen, Rick Bezemer,
Sabina Manzari, Denny Mathew, Franciscus Hendrikus Van Heesch, Christianus
Martinus Van Heesch, and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
Patient monitoring, Aug. 2 2022.
US patent 11,399,809.
Ihor Olehovych Kirenko, Caifeng Shan, and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
Device, system and method for determining the core body temperature
of a subject, Sept. 27 2022.
US patent 11,452,456.
Xueting Li, Simona Turco, Ronald M. Aarts, Hessel Wijkstra, and Massimo Mischi.
Robust phase difference method for local shear wave
viscoelastographic estimation.
Submitted to: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Venice
Convention Center, Venice, Italy, 2022 Oct. 10-13.
Chunjiao Dong, Tianchun Ye, Yunfeng Wang, Johannes P. van Dijk, Xi Long, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Heart Rate Raised Before Epileptic Tonic-Clonic Seizure Motions.
IEEE 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Conference (EMBC 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, July 11-15, 2022.
Chen Chen, Caifeng Shan, Ronald M. Aarts, and Xi Long.
Guest Editorial: Sensing and computing for smart healthcare.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 14, 1,
pp. 3-4, 2022.
Xi Long, Javier Espina, Renée Otte, Wenjin Wang, Ronald M. Aarts, and Peter
Video-based actigraphy is an effective contact-free method of
assessing sleep in preterm infants.
Acta Paediatrica, 00:1-2, Jan. 2021.
Dandan Zhang, Xi Long, Lin Xu, Jan Werth, Ralph Wijshoff, Ronald M. Aarts, and
Peter Andriessen.
Characterizing cardiorespiratory interaction in preterm infants
across sleep states states using visibility graph analysis,
J. of Applied Physiology, 130:1015-1024, April 2021.
Ronald M. Aarts.
Tracking and estimation of frequency, amplitude, and form factor of
a harmonic time series.
IEEE SPS Magazine, DOI 10.1109/MSP.2021.3090681,
38(5):86-91, Sept. 2021.
Mustafa Radha, Pedro Fonseca, Arnaud Moreau, Marco Ross, Andreas Cerny, Peter
Anderer, Xi Long, and Ronald M. Aarts.
A deep transfer learning approach for wearable sleep stage
classification with photoplethysmography.
Nature - npj Digital Medicine, 4:135 ;, pages 1-11, 2021.
Ying Wang, Ivan Zibrandtsen, Richard Lazeron, Hans van Dijk, Xi Long, Ronald M.
Aarts, Lei Wang, and Johan Arends.
Pitfalls in EEG analysis in patients with non-convulsive status
epilepticus: a preliminary study.
Clinical EEG & Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1177/15500594211050492, pp.
1-10, Nov. 2021.
Muhammad Awais, Xi Long, Bin Yin, Chen chen, Saeed Akbarzadeh, Saadullah Farooq
Abbasi, Muhammad Irfan, Chunmei Lu, Xinhua Wang, Laishuan Wang, and Wei Chen.
Can pre-trained convolutional neural networks be used as feature
extractors for video-based neonatal sleep and wake classification?
BMC Research Notes, pages 1-14, 2021.
Chen Chen, Caifeng Shan, Ronald M. Aarts, and Xi Long.
Sensing and computing for smart healthcare.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, DOI:
10.3233/AIS-210617, Dec. 2021.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus Maria
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
Feb. 16 2021.
US patent 10,924,816.
Maria Estrella Mena Benito, Ihor Olehovych, and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
Device, system and method for detection of an asthma attack or asthma
of a subject, Feb. 23 2021.
US patent 10,925,548.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus Maria
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
March 9 2021.
US patent 10,945,049.
Rim Helaoui, Amir Hussein Rmaile, Radu Serban Jasinschi, Ronaldus M. Aarts,
Caifeng Shan, Jayprakash Patel, and Marinus Karel Johannes de Jager.
System and method for detecting halitosis, Aug. 31 2021.
US patent 11,105,792.
Warner Rudolph Theophile ten Kate, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Mark Thomas Johnson,
and Patrick Kechichian.
Method and apparatus for detecting a fall by a user, Sept. 21 2021.
US patent 11,127,275.
Chunjiao Dong, Lei Chen, Tianchun Ye, Xi Long, Ronald M. Aarts, Johannes van
Dijk, Chunheng Shang, Xiwen Liao, and Yunfeng Wang.
Home-based Detection of Epileptic Seizures Using a Bracelet with
Motor Sensors, pp. 854-, 857, 10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on
Neural Engineering (NER) May 4-6, 2021, Virtually.
Ying Wang.
E-health in Epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease.
PhD Thesis at Donders Centre for Neuroscience, Radboud University,
20 Jan. 2021, with supervisors Prof. dr. Richard van Wezel (Donders Centre)
and Prof. dr. Ronald M. Aarts (TU/e).
Y. Sun.
Video-based infant discomfort detection.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), July 7
2021, with supervisors P.H.N. de With and Prof. dr. Ronald M.
Linda Eerikäinen, Alberto G. Bonomi, Lukas Dekker, Rik Vullings, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Atrial fibrillation monitoring with wrist-worn
photoplethysmography-based wearables: State-of-the-art review.
Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, Open Access
DOI:, 1(1):45-51, July-August
Ying Wang, Ivan Zibrandtsen, Richard Lazeron, Hans van Dijk, Xi Long, Ronald M.
Aarts, Lei Wang, and Johan Arends.
Pitfalls in EEG analysis in patients with non-convulsive status
medRxiv preprint doi:;
posted October 9, 2020.
Ying Wang, Xi Long, Johannes P. van Dijk, Ronald M. Aarts, Lei Wang, and
Johan B.A.M. Arends.
False alarms reduction in non-convulsive status epilepticus detection
via continuous EEG analysis.
Physiological Measurement, 41 055009, June 2020.
Muhammad Awais, Chen Chen, Xi Long, Bin Yin, Anum Nawaz, Saadullah Farooq
Abbasi, Saeed Akbarzadeh, Linkai Tao, Chunmei Lu, Laishuan Wang, Ronald M.
Aarts, and Wei Chen.
Novel Framework: Face Feature Selection Algorithm for Neonatal
Facial and Related Attributes Recognition.
IEEE Access, 8:59100-59113, 2020.
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Alberto G. Bonomi, Lukas Dekker, and Ronald M.
Atrial fibrillation episodes detected using photoplethysmography -
Do we know which are true?
Letter to the editor of the Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, 75 (11) 1365; DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2019.10.064, March 24 2020.
Mustafa Radha, Pedro Fonseca, Arnaud Moreau, Marco Ross, Andreas Cerny, Peter
Anderer, and Ronald M. Aarts.
LSTM knowledge transfer for HRV-based sleep staging.
arXiv:1809.06221 [q-bio.NC], [v1] Wed, 12 Sep 2018 10:01:38
UTC, 2020.
Linda Eerikäinen, Alberto G. Bonomi, Fons Schipper, Lukas Dekker, Helma
de Morree, Rik Vullings, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Detecting Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter in Daily Life Using
Photoplethysmography Data.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,
24(6):1610-1618, June 2020.
doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2950574.
Pedro Miguel Fonseca, Xi Long, Nicolaas Gregorius Petrus Den Teuling, Reinder
Haakma, and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
System and method for cardiorespiratory sleep stage classification,
Jan. 7 2020.
US patent 10,524,674.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus Maria
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
Feb. 4 2020.
US patent 10,555,052.
Kiran Hamilton J. Dellimore, Murtaza Bulut, and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
Method and device for the non-invasive montioring and identification
of drug effects and interactions, Feb. 11 2020.
US patent 10,555,699.
Adrienne Heinrich and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
Automatic car setting adjustments by identifying driver with health
watch wearable or in-car sensors, June 30 2020.
US patent 10,696,249.
Xi Long, Reinder Haakma, Pedro Miguel Ferreira dos Santos da Fonseca, and
Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
System and method for determining spectral boundaries for sleep stage
classification, July 7 2020.
US patent 10,702,207.
Maarten Petrus Joseph Kuenen, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Koray Karakaya, and Kiran
Hamilton J. Dellimore.
System and method for analysis of the upper airway and a respiratory
pressure support system, July 14 2020.
US patent 10,709,413.
Pedro Miguel Ferreira dos Santos da Fonseca, Xi Long, Nicolaas Gregorius
Petrus Den Teuling, Reinder Haakma, and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
System and method for slow wave sleep detection, Dec. 8 2020.
US patent 10,856,801.
Yue Sun, Deedee Kommers, Tao Tan, Wenjin Wang, Xi Long, Caifeng Shan, Carola
van Pul, Ronald M. Aarts, Peter Andriessen, and Peter H.N. de With.
Automated Discomfort Detection for Premature Infants in NICU Using
Time-Frequency Feature-Images and CNNs.
Doi: , SPIE medical imaging 2020
(Houston, USA), 15 - 20 February 2020.
Marina Nano, Pedro Fonseca, Sebastiaan Overeem, Rik Vullings, and Ronald M.
Lying awake at night: cardiac autonomic activity in relation to
sleep onset and maintenance.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13:1-13, Jan. 2020.
Available online 15 Jan. 2020,
Ying Wang, Floris Beuving, Jorik Nonnekes, Mike X Cohen, Xi Long, Ronald M.
Aarts, and Richard van Wezel.
Freezing of gait detection in parkinson's disease via multimodal
analysis of EEG and accelerometer signals.
EMBC'20; 42ndst Ann. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Soc.(Montréal, Québec, Canada), July 20-24, 2020,
pages 847-850.
José Leonardo Ferreira.
Design and evaluation of filtering methods for gradient artefact
suppression in EEG recordings during co-registered EEG-fMRI.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, Jan. 21 2020, with
supervisor Ronald M. Aarts.
Mustafa Radha.
Data-driven health monitoring and lifestyle interventions. Towards
management of hypertension and other lifestyle diseases through data-driven
modelling of physiology and behaviour.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, Feb. 18 2020, with
supervisors Prof. dr. Ronald M. Aarts and Prof. dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn.
Linda M. Eerikäinen.
Cardiac arrhythmia monitoring from clinical setting to daily life.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, Wednesday 14
October 2020, with supervisors Prof. dr. Ronald M. Aarts and Prof. dr. L.
Ronald M. Aarts.
Overview of Photoplethysmography (PPG) related papers produced by
TUe-SPS chair on Ambulatory Monitoring, Eindhoven, June 15 2020.
Last retrieved Aug. 18 2020.
Ying Wang, Floris Beuving, Jorik Nonnekes, Mike X Cohen, Xi Long, Ronald M.
Aarts, and Richard van Wezel.
Characterizing and detecting freezing of gait using multi-modal
physiological signals.
arXiv:2009.12660 [eess.SP], 2020.
Lei Wang, Xi Long, Ronald M. Aarts, Johannes P. van Dijk, and Johan B. A. M.
EEG-based Seizure Detection in Patients with Intellectual
Disability: Which EEG and clinical factors are important?
Biomedical signal processing and control, 49:404-418, 2019.
Lei Wang, Xi Long, Ronald M. Aarts, Johannes P. van Dijk, and Johan B. A. M.
A broadband method of quantifying phase synchronization for
discriminating seizure EEG signals.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 52:371-383, July
Jan Werth, Aline Serteyn, Peter Andriessen, Ronald M. Aarts, and Xi Long.
Automated preterm infant sleep staging using capacitive
Physiological Measurement, 40(5), June 2019.
Jan Werth, Mustafa Radha, Peter Andriessen, Ronald M. Aarts, and Xi Long.
Deep learning approach for ECG-based automatic sleep state
classification in preterm infants.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 56, 101663, February
Online: Oct. 2019,
Shaoxiong Sun, W. Peeters, Rick Bezemer, Xi Long, Igor Paulussen, Ronald M.
Aarts, and G. Noordergraaf.
Finger and forehead photoplethysmography-derived pulse-pressure
variation and the benefits of baseline correction.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 33(1):65-75,
Mustafa Radha, Pedro Fonseca, Arnaud Moreau, Marco Ross, Andreas Cerny, Peter
Anderer, Xi Long, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Sleep stage classification from heart-rate variability using long
short-term memory neural networks.
Nature Scientific Reports, 9:14149, 2019.
Mustafa Radha, Koen de Groot, Nikita Rajani, Cybele Wong, Nadja Kobold,
Valentina Vos, Pedro Fonseca, Nikolaos Mastellos, Petra Wark, Nathalie
Velthoven, Reinder Haakma, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Estimating blood pressure trends and the nocturnal dip from
Physiological Measurement, 40(025006), Feb. 2019.
Xinyu Jiang, Ke Xu, Xi Long, Ronald M. Aarts, and Wei Chen.
Common Spectrogram Pattern for Automated Epileptic Seizure
Ms submitted to: Annals of Biomedical Engineering, May 2019.
Ying Wang, Xi Long, Johannes P. van Dijk, Richard H.C. Lazeron, Ronald M.
Aarts, and Johan Arends.
Non-convulsive Status Epilepticus Detection.
41st EMB IEEE conference, Berlin, July 23-27 2019.
Yue Sun, Wenjin Wang, Xi Long, Mohammed Meftah, Tao Tan, Caifeng Shan,
Ronald M. Aarts, and Peter H. N. de With.
Respiration Monitoring for Premature Neonates in NICU.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9(23), 5246;
Caifeng Shan, Radu Serban Jasinschi, and Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
Method determining the suitable lighting for an activity, Feb. 5
US patent 10,201,058.
Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Joachim Kahlert, Michel Paul Barbara Van Bruggen, and
Okke Ouweltjes.
System and method for analysis of the upper airway and a respiratory
pressure support system, Aug. 13 2019.
US patent 10,376,224.
Ihor Olehovych Kirenko, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, and Caifeng Shan.
Device and system for monitoring of pulse-related information of a
subject, Sept. 3 2019.
US patent 10,398,328.
Ying Wang, Xi Long, Hans van Dijk, Richard Lazeron, Ronald M. Aarts, and Johan
Non-convulsive status epilepticus detection.
7th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, January 24-25 2019, Egmond aan Zee, The
Hui Du, Ying Wang, Xi Long, Johan Arends, Hans van Dijk, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Visibility Graph methods in nonconvulsive seizure detection.
7th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, January 24-25 2019, Egmond aan Zee, The
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Alberto G. Bonomi, Lukas Dekker, Fons Schipper, Rik
Vullings, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Photoplethysmography- unobtrusive means to measure force-interval
relationships of the heart during atrial fibrillation?
7th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, January 24-25 2019, Egmond aan Zee, The
Yue Sun, Deedee Kommers, Wenjin Wang, Rohan Joshi, Caifeng Shan, Tao Tan,
Ronald M. Aarts, Carola van Pul, Peter Andriessen, and Peter H.N. de With.
Video-based discomfort monitoring for premature infants in NICU.
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Venice,
Italy, April 8-11 2019.
Yue Sun, Deedee Kommers, Wenjin Wang, Rohan Joshi, Caifeng Shan, Tao Tan,
Ronald M. Aarts, Carola van Pul, Peter Andriessen, and Peter H.N. de With.
Automatic and continuous discomfort detection for premature infants
in NICU using video-based motion analysis.
EMBC'19; 41st EMB Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Soc.(Berlin, Germany), July 23-27 2019.
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Alberto G. Bonomi, Fons Schipper, Lukas Dekker, Rik
Vullings, and Helma de Morree Ronald M. Aarts.
How Accurately Can We Detect Atrial Fibrillation Using
Photoplethysmography Data Measured in Daily Life?
CinC (Computing in Cardiology (formerly Computers in Cardiology)),
Singapore, September 8-11 2019.
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Alberto G. Bonomi, Fons Schipper, Lukas Dekker,
Helma de Morree, Rik Vullings, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter detection from wrist-worn
photoplethysmography data.
IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter and NCBME meeting in Belgium Louvain,
Brussels, November 28-29 2019.
Marta Regis.
Heterogeneity in subject-specific statistical models for the
analysis of longitudinal data.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, May 27 2019, with
supervisors Prof. dr. E. R. van den Heuvel and Prof. dr. Ronald M. Aarts.
Jan Werth.
On the automated analysis of preterm infant sleep states from
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, Nov. 7 2019, with
supervisor Prof. dr. Ronald M. Aarts.
José L. Ferreira, Yan Wu, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Enhancement of the comb-filtering selectivity using iterative
moving-average for periodic waveform and harmonic elimination.
Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Vol. 2018, 2018.
Article ID 7901502, doi:10.1155/2018/7901502.
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Alberto G. Bonomi, Fons Schipper, Lukas Dekker, Rik
Vullings, Helma M. de Morree, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Comparison between electrocardiogram and photoplethysmogram derived
features for atrial Fibrillation detection in free-living conditions.
Physiological Measurement, 39(8):84001, Aug. 2018.
Online 11 July 2018
Pedro Fonseca, Niek den Teuling, Xi Long, and Ronald M. Aarts.
A comparison of probabilistic classifiers for sleep stage
Physiological Measurement, 39:1-15, May 2018.
Alberto G. Bonomi, Fons Schipper, Linda M. Eerikäinen, Jenny Margarito,
Ralph van Dinter, Guido Muesch, Helma M. de Morree, Ronald M. Aarts, Saeed
Babaeizadeh, David D. McManus, and Lukas Dekker.
Atrial fibrillation detection using a novel cardiac ambulatory
monitor based on photo-plethysmography at the wrist.
Journal of the American Heart Association, 7(15), August 7
7:e009351, DOI:10.1161/JAHA.118.009351.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus M. Aarts.
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
May 29 2018.
US patent 9,986,306.
Jan Krans, Bartel Van De Sluis, Ronaldus Aarts, Tim Tijs, Bernardo Arnoldus
Mulder, Paulus Dillen, Georgo Zorz Angelis, Roy Raymann, Juergen Vogt,
Petronella Zwartkruis-Pelgrim, Jia Du, Ype Brada, and Maarten Van Den
Breath pacing device and method for packing the respiratory activity
of a subject, June 26 2018.
US patent 10,004,454.
Maarten Kuenen, Ihor Kirenko, Koray Karakaya, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Unobtrusive detection of spontaneous retinal venous pulsations for
continuous monitoring of intracranial pressure, Dec. 11 2018.
US patent 10,149,624.
Marina Nano, Pedro Fonseca, Sebastiaan Overeem, Rik Vullings, and Ronald M.
Autonomic cardiac activity in adults with short and long sleep onset
40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2018 July 17-21, 2018.
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Alberto G. Bonomi, Lukas Dekker, Fons Schipper, Rik
Vullings, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Force-interval Relationships of the Heart Measured with
Photoplethysmography during Atrial Fibrillation.
CinC (Computing in Cardiology (formerly Computers in
Cardiology)), Maastricht, Netherlands, September 23-26 2018, 45.
Ying Wang, Xi Long, J.P. van Dijk, R.M. Aarts, and Johan Arends.
Adaptive EEG channel selection for nonconvulsive seizure analysis,
23rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2018),
Nov. 19-21, Shanghai, China.
Pedro Miguel Ferreira dos Santos da Fonseca.
Home Sleep Monitoring.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, April 18 2018,
with supervisors Ronald M. Aarts and S. Overeem.
Shaoxiong Sun.
On monitoring of blood pressure and pulse pressure variations in
peri-operative care.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, May 30 2018, with
supervisors Ronald M. Aarts.
Lei Wang.
EEG-based automated seizure detection in patients with intellectual
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, June 21 2018, with
supervisors Prof.dr. J.B.A.M. Arends and Prof. dr. Ronald M. Aarts.
Illapha Cuba Gyllensten.
Monitoring heart failure using non-invasive measurements of thoracic
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, June 27 2018, with
supervisor Ronald M. Aarts.
Ralph W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, Massimo Mischi, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Reduction of periodic motion artifacts in photoplethysmography.
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(1):196-207, Jan.
Online ISSN: 1558-2531, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2553060.
X. Long, P. Fonseca, Ronald M. Aarts, R. Haakma, J. Rolink, and Steffen
Detection of Nocturnal Slow Wave Sleep Based on Cardiorespiratory
Activity in healthy adults.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,
21(1):123-133, January 2017.
Mustafa Radha, Guangfei Zhang, Jos Gelissen Koen de Groot, Reinder Haakma, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Arterial path selection to measure pulse wave velocity as a
surrogate marker of blood pressure.
Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express (BPEX-IOP), 3(1),
Feb. 2017.
Lei Wang, Xi Long, B. A. M. Arends, and Ronald M. Aarts.
EEG Analysis of Seizure Patterns for Patients with Intellectual
Disability using Visibility Graphs.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 290:85-94, October 2017.
Online July 19 2017,
Jan Werth, Xi Long, Elly Zwartkruis-Pelgrim, Hendrik Niemarkt, Wei Chen,
Ronald M. Aarts, and Peter Andriessen.
Unobtrusive assessment of neonatal sleep state based on heart rate
variability retrieved from electrocardiography used for regular patient
Early Human Development, Available online 18 July 2017,
113:104-113, October 2017.
Illapha Cuba Gyllensten, Amanda Crundall-Goode, Ronald M Aarts, and Kevin M.
Simulated case management of home telemonitoring to assess the
impact of different alert algorithms on work-load and clinical decisions.
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17:11, pp. 1-11,
Pedro Fonseca, Tim Weysen, Maaike Goelema, Els Møst, Mustafa Radha,
Charlotte Lunsingh Scheurleer, Leonie van den Heuvel, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Validation of photoplethysmography-based sleep staging compared with
polysomnography in healthy middle aged adults.
Sleep, 40(7):zsx097, 2017.
Pedro Fonseca, Niek den Teuling, Xi Long, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Cardiorespiratory sleep stage detection using conditional random
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,
21(4):956-966, July 2017.
S. Saporito, S. Dovancescu, I.H.F. Herold, H.C.M. van den Bosch, H.C. van
Assen, Ronald M. Aarts, H.H.M. Korsten, and M. Mischi.
Comparison of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and bio-impedance
spectroscopy for the assessment of fluid displacement induced by external leg
Physiological Measurement, 38(1):15-32, 2017.
Jan Werth, Louis Atallah, Peter Andriessen, Xi Long, Elly Zwartkruis-Pelgrim,
and Ronald M. Aarts.
Unobtrusive sleep state measurements in preterm infants - a review.
Sleep medicine reviews, 32:109-122, April 2017.
Marina-Marinela Nano, Pedro Fonseca, Rik Vullings, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Measures of cardiovascular autonomic activity in insomnia disorder:
A systematic review.
PLoS ONE, 12(10):1-31, October 2017.
Shaoxiong Sun, Wouter H. Peeters, Rick Bezemer, Xi Long, Igor Paulussen,
Ronald M. Aarts, and Gerrit J. Noordergraaf.
On algorithms for calculating arterial pulse pressure variation
during major surgery.
Physiological Measurement, 38:2101-2121, November 2017.
Juergen Vogt, Jan Martijn Krans, Jia Du, Tim Johannes Willem Tijs, and
Ronaldus Maria Aarts.
Breath pacing apparatus, and method for pacing the respiration of a
person, May 2017.
US patent 9,649,470.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus M. Aarts.
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
Aug. 2017.
US patent 9,736,549.
Ronaldus M. Aarts, Joris Adelbert Maria Nieuwendijk, Okke Ouweltjes, and Gerben
Apparatus and method for providing a user interface to an information
processing system, Sept. 2017.
US patent 9,752,568.
Cornelus Hendricus Bertus Arnoldus van Dinther, Ronaldus M. Aarts, Gerben
Kooijman, Okke Ouweltjes, Armin Gerhard Kohlrausch, Hendrikus Hubertus Petrus
Gommans, and Jasper van Dorp Schuitman.
Acoustically absorbing room divider, Sept. 2017.
US patent 9,765,516.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus M. Aarts.
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
Oct. 2017.
US patent 9,794,644.
Hendrikus Hubertus Petrus Gommans, Jasper van Dorp Schuitman, Armin Gerhard
Kohlrausch, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Light-emitting acoustic panel and lighting system comprising a set of
such panels, Dec. 2017.
US patent 9,851,094.
Mustafa Radha and Ronald M. Aarts.
Calibration methods between Pulse Wave Velocity and Blood Pressure
with PPG morphology.
6th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, January 26-27 2017, Egmond aan Zee, The
M-M. Nano, R. Vullings, P. Fonseca, S. Overeem, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Using advanced PPG analysis to study sleep architecture in
6th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, January 26-27 2017, Egmond aan Zee, The
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Lukas Dekker, Rik Vullings, Alberto G. Bonomi, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Post-extrasystolicpotentiation detection with
photoplethysmographyfrom the wrist -A preliminary study.
6th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, January 26-27 2017, Egmond aan Zee, The
Lei Wang, Xi Long, Johan B. Arends, Johannes P. van Dijk, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Dynamic brain networks measured by using phase synchronization
across different seizure patterns.
6th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, January 26-27 2017, Egmond aan Zee, The
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Ronald M. Aarts, Alberto G. Bonomi, Rik Vullings,
and Lukas Dekker.
Wrist-wearable photoplethysmograph for atrial fibrillation
Poster Science meeting Catharina Hospital, April 6 2017, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands.
Xi Long, Pedro Fonseca, Reinder Haakma, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Actigraphy-Based Sleep/Wake Detection for Insomniacs.
14th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body
Sensor Networks (BSN2017) High Tech Campus, The Netherlands, May 9-12, 2017.
Marina Nano, G.B. Papini, P. Fonseca, R. Vullings, S. Overeem, J.W.M. Bergmans,
and Ronald M. Aarts.
Comparing inter beat and inter pulse intervals from ECG and PPG
Biomedica 2017, May 9-10 2017 TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Lei Wang, Xi Long, Johan B. Arends, Johannes P. van Dijk, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Functional Connectivity Network during Seizure: A Comparative Study
on Phase Synchronization Measures.
8th International IEEE EMBS Conference On Neural Engineering
(NER'17) to be held at the Regal International East Asia Hotel, Shanghai,
China 25-28 May 2017.
S. Sun, W.H. Peeters, R. Bezemer, X. Long, I. Paulussen, R.M. Aarts, and G.J.
The effect of sample duration on the robustness of pulse-pressure
variation during ongoing surgery.
Conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering
Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering
and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 11-15 2017.
Alberto G. Bonomi, Linda Eerikäinen, Fons Schipper, Ronald M. Aarts,
Helma de Morree, and Lukas Dekker.
Detecting episodes of Brady- and Tachycardia using
photo-plethysmography at the wrist in free-living conditions.
CinC 2017 Computing in Cardiology, Rennes, France 24-27 September
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Lukas Dekker, Alberto G. Bonomi, Rik Vullings, Fons
Schipper, Jenny Margarito, Helma M. de Morree, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Validating features for atrial fibrillation detection from
photoplethysmogram under hospital and free-living conditions.
CinC 2017 Computing in Cardiology, Rennes, France 24-27 September
Paloma Gastelurrutia, Illapha Cuba-Gyllensten, Josep Lupon, Elisabet Zamora,
Cinta Llibre, Ángel Caballero, Jarno Riistama, Ronald M. Aarts, and Antoni
Wearable vest for pulmonary congestion tracking and prognosis in
heart failure: A Pilot Study.
International Journal of Cardiology, 215:77-79, 2016.
Available online 11 April 2016, doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.04.024.
Saporito, Herold, Dovancescu, den Boer, Ronald M. Aarts, Bouwman, van
Den Bosch, Korsten, van Assen, and Mischi.
Sensitivity of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging to fluid shifts
induced by an external leg compression device.
ISMRM 24th Annual meeting, Singapore, May 7-13 2016.
Pedro Fonseca, Ronald M. Aarts, Xi Long, Jérôme Rolink, and Steffen
Estimating actigraphy from motion artifacts in ECG and respiratory
effort signals.
Physiological Measurement, IOP Publishing, Institute of Physics
and Engineering in Medicine, 37(1):67-82, January 2016.
Illapha Cuba-Gyllensten, Paloma Gastelurrutia, Alberto G. Bonomi, Jarno
Riistama, Antoni Bayes-Genis, and Ronald M. Aarts.
A method to adapt thoracic impedance based on chest geometry and
composition to assess congestion in heart failure patients.
Medical Engineering and Physics, 38(6):538-546, 2016.
Available online 14 April 2016, doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.03.002.
Salvatore Saporito, Silviu Dovancescu, Ingeborg H.F. Herold, Harrie C.M. van
Den Bosch, Hans C. van Assen, Ronald M. Aarts, Hendrikus H.M. Korsten, and
Massimo Mischi.
Comparison of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and bioimpedance
spectroscopy for the assessment of fluid shift induced by external leg
Physiological Measurement, 38(1):15-32, Dec. 2016.
Shaoxiong Sun, Rick Bezemer, Xi Long, Jens Muehlsteff, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Systolic blood pressure estimation using PPG and ECG during physical
Physiological Measurement, 37(12):2154-2169, 2016.
Gabriele Spina.
Daily-life training and monitoring methodologies for chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease patients.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, June 2 2016, with
supervisors Ronald M. Aarts and E.F.M. Wouters.
Ralph Wijshoff.
On photoplethysmography artifact reduction and applications.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, Sept. 6 2016, with
supervisors Ronald M. Aarts and M. Mischi.
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Joaquin Vanschoren, Michael J. Rooijakkers, Rik
Vullings, and Ronald M Aarts.
Reduction of false arrhythmia alarms using signal selection and
machine learning.
Physiological Measurement, doi:10.1088/0967-3334/37/8/1204,
37:1204-1216, 2016.
José L. Ferreira, Yan Wu, René M.H. Besseling, Rolf Lamerichs, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Gradient artefact correction and evaluation of the EEG recorded
simultaneously with fMRI data using optimised moving-average.
Journal of Medical Engineering, 2016.
Article ID 9614323,
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Efficient approximation of the Struve functions Hn occurring in the
calculation of sound radiation quantities.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 140(6):4154-4160, Dec. 2016.
J.V.S.W. Werth, L. Atallah, X. Long, P. Andriessen, E. Zwartkruis-Pelgrim, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Preterm infant heart rate variability feature selection for
automated sleep state classification.
Poster Biomedica Summit 2016 May 9-10, TU Eindhoven, The
Jan Martijn Krans, Bartel Van De Sluis, Juergen Vogt, Ronaldus M. Aarts, Tim
Tijs, Ype Brada, Maarten Van Den Boogaard, Jan Bennik, Roy Raymann, Petronela
Zwartkruis-Pelgrim, and Jia Du.
Breath pacing system and method for pacing the respiratory activity
of a subject, July 2016.
US patent 9,392,963.
Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, and Ronaldus M. Aarts.
Method and apparatus for selection of content from a stream of data,
Aug. 2016.
US patent 9,414,008.
Paul Simons, Alan Davie, Aki Harma, Steve Pitchers, and Ronald M. Aarts.
System and method for commissioning lighting using sound, 20 Sept.
US patent 9,451,678.
Mark T. Johnson, Nicolle van Schijndel, Rachel Thilwind, Marjolein van
Lieshout, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Breast pump system, 1 Nov. 2016.
US patent 9,480,783.
Geert Guy Georges Morren, Anmin Jin, Bin Yin, Haris Duric, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Method and device for extracting respiration signal from multiple
axis accelerometer data., 6 Dec. 2016.
US patent 9,510,775.
Alberto G. Bonomi, Fons Schipper, Linda M. Eerikäinen, Jenny Margarito,
Ronald M. Aarts, Saeed Babaeizadeh, Helma de Morree, and Lukas Dekker.
Atrial fibrillation detection using photo-plethysmography and
acceleration data at the wrist.
CinC 2016 Computing in Cardiology scientific conference 11-14
September 2016 in Vancouver, Canada.
Shaoxiong Sun, Rick Bezemer, Xi Long, Jens Muehlsteff, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Systolic blood pressure estimation using PPG during physical
38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'16), Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida
USA, August 16-20, 2016.
Ralph W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, Antoine M.T.M. van Asten, Wouter H. Peeters, Rick
Bezemer, Gerrit Jan Noordergraaf, Massimo Mischi, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Photoplethysmography-based algorithm for detection of cardiogenic
output during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62(3):909-921,
March 2015.
Xi Long, Jie Yang, Tim Weysen, Reinder Haakma Jérôme Foussier, Pedro
Fonseca, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Erratum: Measuring dissimilarity between respiratory effort signals
based on uniform scaling for sleep staging.
Physiological Measurement, IOP Publishing, Institute of Physics
and Engineering in Medicine, 36:625, 2015.
Xi Long, Johan B. Arends, Ronald M. Aarts, Reinder Haakma, Pedro Fonseca, and
Jerome Rolink.
Time delay between cardiac and brain activity during sleep
Applied Physics Letters, 106(143702), 2015.
Judith van Andel, Constantin Ungureanu, Johan Arends, Ronald M. Aarts, and
Frans Leijten.
Using photoplethysmography in heart rate monitoring of patients with
Epilepsy & Behavior, 45:142-145, April 2015.
Xi Long, Reinder Haakma, Tim R.M. Leufkens, Pedro Fonseca, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Effects of between- and within-subject variability on autonomic
cardiorespiratory activity during sleep and their limitations on sleep
staging: a multilevel analysis.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, (Volume 2015
(2015), Article ID 583620, 17 pages,,
Pedro Fonseca, Xi Long, Mustafa Radha, Reinder Haakma, Ronald M. Aarts, and
Jérôme Rolink.
Sleep stage classification with ECG and respiratory effort.
Physiological Measurement, IOP Publishing, Institute of Physics
and Engineering in Medicine, 36:2027-2040, Oct. 2015.
Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Joanne Henriette Desiree Monique Westerink, Johan Partomo
Djajadiningrat, Johannes Willem Frens, and Marius Cornelis Rozendaal.
Calming device, Mar. 2015.
US patent 8,979,731.
Igor A. Nagorski, Jan A. Nesvadba, and Ronaldus M. Aarts.
Selection of content from a stream of video or audio data, September
US patent 9,143,718.
Fetze Pijlman, Jasper van Dorp Schuitman, Armin Kohlrausch, Okke Ouweltjes,
Stefan Swinkels, Gilles Vissenberg, Ronald M. Aarts, and Ralph van Dinther.
Lighting controller, lighting system and lighting control method,
November 2015.
US patent 9,185,780.
Ralph Wijshoff, Wouter Peeters, Gerrit Jan Noordergraaf, Massimo Mischi, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Photoplethysmography can detect a spontaneous pulse during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
5th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, 2015 22-23 January 2015, Egmond aan Zee, The
Netherlands (Received 3rd place in Best Paper Published by IEEE-EMBS in
Shaoxiong Sun, Rick Bezemer, Jens Muehlsteff, and Ronald M. Aarts.
A novel continuous noninvasive estimation of systolic blood
5th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, 2015 22-23 January 2015, Egmond aan Zee, The
Constantin Ungureanu, Ronald M. Aarts, and Johan Arends.
The Glove3, a new device for measurement of vital signs.
5th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference,, 2015 22-23 January 2015, Egmond aan Zee, The
Ralph W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, Wouter H. Peeters, Gerrit Jan Noordergraaf, Massimo
Mischi, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Photoplethysmographic detection of a spontaneous pulse during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
49th Annual Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für
BioMedizinische Technik, Lübeck, Sept. 16-18, 2015.
Xi Long, R. Haakma, J. Rolink, P. Fonseca, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Improving Sleep/Wake Detection via Boundary Adaptation for
Respiratory Spectral Features.
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society in MiCo, Milano Conference Center, Milano, Italy during August 25-29,
2015, pages 374-377, 2015.
Marina-Marinela Nano, Xi Long, Jan Werth, Ronald M. Aarts, and Richard
Sleep Apnea Detection Using Time-Delayed Heart Rate Variability.
37th annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society MiCo - Milano Conference Center - Milan, Italy,
August 25-29 2015, pages 7679-7682, 2015.
I. Cuba Gyllensten, P. Gastelurrutia, A.G. Bonomi, J. Riistama, A. Bayes-Genis,
and R.M. Aarts.
Tracking congestion with a personalized thoracic impedance index
from chest geometry and composition.
Heart Failure 2015, Congress of the European Society of
Cardiology, 23-26 May 2015, Sevilla - Spain.
Xi Long, R. Haakma, P. Fonseca, R.M. Aarts, M.S. Goelema, and J. Rolink.
What causes the differences in cardiac activity within and between
subjects during sleep?, SLEEP 2015, the 29th Annual Meeting of the Associated
Professional Sleep Societies, Seattle, June 6-10, Sec. VIII. Physiology: A.
Basic Sleep Science, Nr. 0173 SLEEP, Vol.38, Abstract Supplement, 2015.
Shaoxiong Sun, Wouter Peeters, Rick Bezemer, Igor Paulussen, Ronald M. Aarts,
and Gerrit-Jan Noordergraaf.
Comparison of peripheral and central PPG sites as surrogates
indicators of fluid responsiveness in patients undergoing surgery associated
with blood loss., I.A.M.P.O.V., Innovations and Applications of Monitoring
Perfusion, Oxygenation and Ventilation, Tokyo, 2-4 Oct. 2015.
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Joaquin Vanschoren, Michael J. Rooijakkers, Rik
Vullings, and Ronald M Aarts.
Decreasing the False Alarm Rate of Arrhythmias in Intensive Care
Using a Machine Learning Approach.
The PhysioNet Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2015: Reducing
False Arrhythmia Alarms in the ICU. 2015 Computing in Cardiology 2015.
Xi Long.
On the Analysis and Classification of Sleep Stages from
Cardiorespiratory Activity.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, June 30 2015, with
supervisors Ronald M. Aarts, J.B.A.M. Arends, and R. Haakma.
Onno Eerenberg.
Signal Processing for Improved MPEG-based Communication Systems.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, Dec. 9 2015, with
supervisors Prof. dr. Peter H.N. de With and Prof. dr. Ronald M. Aarts.
Ronald M. Aarts Okke Ouweltjes and Murtaza Bulut.
An Electro-Acoustic Implementation of Tibetan Bowls: Acoustics and
Noise & Vibration Worldwide (10.1260/0957-4565.45.1.2),
45(1):12-23, Jan. 2014.
Xi Long, Pedro Fonseca, Reinder Haakma, Ronald M. Aarts, and Jérôme
Spectral boundary adaptation on heart rate variability for sleep and
wake classification.
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, DOI
10.1142/S0218213014600021, 3(23):1460002-1-1460002-20, May 2014.
Michael J. Rooijakkers, Chiara Rabotti, S. Guid Oei, Ronald M. Aarts, and
Massimo Mischi.
Low-complexity intrauterine pressure estimation using the teager
energy operator on electrohysterographic recordings.
Physiological Measurements, 35(7):1215-1228, 2014.
Xi Long, Marten Pijl, Steffen Pauws, Joyca Lacroix, Annelies H. C. Goris, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Towards tailored physical activity health intervention: Predicting
dropout participants.
Health and Technology, DOI 10.1007/s12553-014-0084-9,
4(3):273-287, Sept. 2014.
Xi Long, Pedro Fonseca, J. Foussier, Reinder Haakma, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Sleep and Wake Classification with Actigraphy and Respiratory Effort
Using Dynamic Warping.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,
18(4):1272-1284, July 2014.
Illapha Cuba-Gyllensten, Paloma Gastelurrutia, Jarno Riistama, Ronald M. Aarts,
Julio Nuñez, Josep Lupon, and Antoni Bayes-Genis.
A Novel Wearable Vest for Tracking Pulmonary Congestion in Acutely
Decompensated Heart Failure: Pilot Study.
International Journal of Cardiology, (177):199-201, 2014.
Xi Long, Jérôme Foussier, Pedro Fonseca, Reinder Haakma, and Ronald M.
Analyzing Respiratory Effort Amplitude for Automated Sleep Stage
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,, 14:197i-205, 2014.
Pedro Fonseca, Ronald M. Aarts, Jérôme Foussier, and Xi Long.
A novel low-complexity post-processing algorithm for precise QRS
SpringerPlus, Digital Object Identifier:
10.1186/2193-1801-3-376, (3), July 2014.
Xi Long, Jie Yang, Tim Weysen, Reinder Haakma Jérôme Foussier, Pedro
Fonseca, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Measuring dissimilarity between respiratory effort signals based on
uniform scaling for sleep staging.
Physiological Measurement, IOP Publishing, Institute of Physics
and Engineering in Medicine, 35:2529-2542, 2014.
doi:10.1088/0967-3334/35/12/2529, see erratum: Physiol. Meas. 36
(2015) 625 doi:10.1088/0967-3334/36/3/625.
Xi Long, Pedro Fonseca, Ronald M. Aarts, Reinder Haakma, and Jérôme
Modeling cardiorespiratory interaction during sleep with complex
Applied Physics Letters, 105(203701):1-4, 2014.
O. Eerenberg, R.M. Aarts, and P.H.N. de With.
PVR system design of advanced video navigation reinforced with
audible sound.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 60(4):681-689,
November 2014.
Named as 2017 winner of the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Chester
Sall Award for the First place best paper in the IEEE Transactions on
Consumer Electronics 2015.
Werner Paulus Josephus De Bruijn, Daniel Willem Elisabeth Schobben, Willem
Franciscus Johannes Hoogenstraaten, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, and
Johannes Hermannus Streng.
Device for and a method of processing data, March 2014.
US patent 8,675,880.
Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Werner Paulus Josephus de Bruijn, John William Lamb, and
Aki Sakari Härmä.
Surround sound system and method therefor, Sept. 2014.
US patent 8,837,743.
Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Felix Henric Govert Ogg, and Privender Kaur Saini.
Method and device for reducing snore annoyances, Nov. 2014.
US patent 8,879,746.
José L. Ferreira, Ronald M. Aarts, and Pierre J.M. Cluitmans.
Removal of Gradient Artefacts during Transient Head Movements for
Continuous EEG-fMRI, Biosignals 2014, 7th Int. Conf. on Bio-Inspired Systems
and Signal Processing, pp. 213-220, 3-6 March 2014, Eseo, Angers, France.
José L. Ferreira, Ronald M. Aarts, and Pierre J.M. Cluitmans.
Optimized Moving-Average Filtering for Gradient Artefact Correction
During Simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
The 5th IEEE Biosignals and Biorobotics conference
(ISSNIP/BRC), 2014 May 26-28, Salvador, Brazil.
Xi Long, R. Haakma, M.S. Goelema, T. Weysen, P. Fonseca, J. Foussier, and R.M.
Self-dissimilarity of respiratory effort across sleep states and
time, Sleep 2014, 28th Annual Meeting of the Ass. Prof. Sleep Soc., May 31 -
June 4, 2014, Minneapolis.
Constantin Ungureanu, Vih Bui, Wouter Roosmalen, Ronald M. Aarts, Johan B.A.M.
Arends, Richard Verhoeven, and Johan J. Lukkien.
A wearable monitoring system for nocturnal epileptic seizures.
IEEE 8th International Symposium on Medical Information and
Communication Technology (ISMICT), Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/ISMICT.2014.6825205, pages 1-5, 2014.
Xi Long, Pedro Fonseca, Reinder Haakma, Jérôme Foussier, and Ronald M.
Automatic detection of overnight deep sleep based on heart rate
variability: A preliminary study.
36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'14) to be held in Sheraton Hotel &
Towers, Chicago, Illinois, USA on August 26-30, 2014, pages 50-53.
Ralph Wijshoff, Wouter Peeters, Ronald M. Aarts, and Gerrit Jan Noordergraaf.
A photoplethysmography signal can show presence of a spontaneous
pulse at sub-life-supporting blood pressure levels during experimental
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
ReSS Resuscitation Science Symposium, Nov. 15-16 2014, Chicago
Illinois, USA, 2014.
Xi Long, Reinder Haakma, Ronald M. Aarts, Pedro Fonseca, and Jérôme
Between-laboratory and Demographic Effects on Heart Rate and Its
Variability During Sleep.
Workshop on Smart Healthcare and Healing Environments in
conjunction with AMI'14, European Conference on Ambient Intelligence November 11 - 13, 2014, Eindhoven, The
Netherlands (Also in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science:
Proceedings AmI14).
Roxana Alexandra Cernat, Constantin Ungureanu, Mihaela Ungureanu, Ronald M.
Aarts, and Johan Arends.
Real-time extraction of the respiratory rate from
photoplethysmographic signal using wearable devices.
Workshop on Smart Healthcare and Healing Environments in
conjunction with AMI'14, European Conference on Ambient Intelligence November 11 - 13, 2014, Eindhoven, The
Netherlands (Also in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science:
Proceedings AmI14).
Vlad-Mihai Teohari, Constantin Ungureanu, Vinh Bui, Johan Arends, and Ronald M.
Epilepsy Seizure Detection App for wearable technologies.
Workshop on Smart Healthcare and Healing Environments in
conjunction with AMI'14, European Conference on Ambient Intelligence November 11 - 13, 2014, Eindhoven, The
Netherlands (Also in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science:
Proceedings AmI14).
J.L. Ferreira, P.J.M. Cluitmans, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Gradient Artefact Modelling Using a Set of Sinosoidal Waveforms for
EEG Correction During Continuous fMRI.
Signal Processing Research, 2(2):39-48, June 2013.
Ralph W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, Toeno van der Sar, Wouter H. Peeters, Rick Bezemer,
Paul Aelen, Igor W.F. Paulussen, Simone C.M.A. Ordelman, Alyssa Venema,
Paul F.J. van Berkom, Ronald M. Aarts, Pierre H. Woerlee, Gert-Jan Scheffer,
and Gerrit J. Noordergraaf.
Detection of a spontaneous pulse in photoplethysmograms during
automated cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a porcine model.
Resuscitation, 84:1625-1632, 2013.
Available online 29 July 2013,
José L. Ferreira, Pierre J.M. Cluitmans, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Non-Linear Filter for Gradient Artefact Correction during
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI.
Signal Processing Research, 2(3):55-63, September 2013.
Ralph Wijshoff, Toeno Van der Sar, Ronald Aarts, Pierre Woerlee, and Gerrit
Potential of photoplethysmography to guide pulse checks during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation: Observations in an animal study.
Resuscitation, Volume 84, Supplement 1, October 2013.
Runner-up in the Best-of-the Best competition was van European
Resuscitation Council Symposium, Kraków, Poland, Oct. 25-26, 2013,
José L. Ferreira, Pierre J.M. Cluitmans, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Effective Extraction and Filtering of Frequency Components in
Physiological Signals Using Sum-of-Sinusoids Modelling.
Signal Processing Research, 2(4):73-80, December 2013.
Jan Alexis Daniel Nesvadba, Igor Alexandrovich Nagorski, and R.M. Aarts.
Selection of content from a stream of video or audio data, March
US patent 8,406,607.
M. Krans, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Mark Thomas Johnson, Armin Gerhard Kohlrausch,
and Nicolle Hanneke van Schijndel.
Interactive baby feeding bottle, July 2013.
US patent 8,482,416.
Martin Ouwerkerk, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Natasha Kravtsova, Evert Jan Van
Loenen, Daniel Willem Elisabeth Schobben, Bartel Marinus Van De Sluis, and
Maarten Peter Bodlaender.
Autonomous wireless die, July 2013.
US patent 8,490,971.
Georges Marie Calon, Ronaldus Maria Aarts, Peter Alexander Wachters, Antonius
Adrianus Maria Marinus, Reinhold Elferich, Hugo Johan Cornelissen, and
Clemens Johannes Maria Lasance.
Remote cooling by combining heat pipe and resonator for synthetic jet
cooling, September 2013.
US patent 8,529,105.
Constantin Ungureanu, Martien van Bussel, Francis Tan, Ronald M. Aarts, and
Johan Arends.
A modified cusum algorithm for detection of tachycardia in patients
with epileptic seizures.
4th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference 2013 24-25 January
2013, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
J.L Ferreira, P.J.M. Cluitmans, and R.M. Aarts.
Detection of sharp wave activity in biological signals using
differentiation between consecutive samples, Biosignals 2013, Proceedings of
the 6th Int. Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pp.
327-332, Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 11-14 2013.
Xi Long, J. Foussier, Pedro Fonseca, Reinder Haakma, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Respiration Amplitude Analysis for REM and NREM Sleep
Classification, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Osaka,
Japan, 5017-20, 3-7 July, 2013.
Pedro Fonseca, Xi Long, J. Foussier, Reinder Haakma, and Ronald M. Aarts.
On the Impact of Arousals on the Performance of Sleep and Wake
Classification Using Actigraphy, 35th Annual International Conference of the
IEEE EMBS Osaka, Japan, pp. 6760-3, 3-7 July, 2013.
M.J. Rooijakkers, C. Rabotti, S.G. Oei, R.M. Aarts, and M. Mischi.
Low-complexity intrauterine pressure monitoring by Teager energy
estimation, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Osaka,
Japan, pp. 7424-7, 3-7 July, 2013.
M. Nemati, N. Bhattacharya, P. Urbach, R. Wijshoff, M. Mischi, R. Aarts,
M. Stijnen, and L. Paroni.
Hemodynamics by Interferometric Photonics, IOP Symposium Fotonica,
Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, Nov. 14, 2013.
Silviu Dovancescu, Azam Torabi, Thato Mabote, Jennifer Caffarel, Emile
Kelkboom, Ronald M. Aarts, Erik Korsten, and John Cleland.
Sensitivity of a Wearable Bioimpedance Monitor to Changes in the
Thoracic Fluid Content of Heart Failure Patients.
Computing in Cardiology, ISSN 2325-8861, 40:927-930, December
R.W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, M. Mischi, P.H. Woerlee, and R.M. Aarts.
Improving pulse oximetry accuracy by removing motion artifacts from
photoplethysmograms using relative sensor motion: preliminary study.
Chapter 55 (pp. 411-417) in: Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXV,
Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 789, ISBN
978-1-4614-7256-8, Van Huffel, S.; Naulaers, G.; Caicedo, A.; Bruley, D.F.;
Harrison, D.K. (Eds.), 2013.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Sound radiation from a loudspeaker, from a spherical pole cap, and
from a piston in an infinite baffle.
Noise & Vibration Worldwide (doi:10.1260/0957-4565.43.4.12),
43(4):12-19, April 2012.
Ralph W. C. G. R. Wijshoff, Massimo Mischi, Jeroen Veen, Alexander M. van der
Lee, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Reducing motion artifacts in photoplethysmograms by using relative
sensor motion: phantom study.
Journal of Biomedical Optics, DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.11.117007,
17(11):117007-1-117007-15, November 2012.
Ronaldus M. Aarts, Clemens Johannes Maria Lasance, Joris Adelbert Maria
Nieuwendijk, and Okke Ouweltjes.
Low noise cooling device, July 2012.
US patent 8,218,318.
Ronaldus M. Aarts and Harm Jan Willem Belt.
Enhancement of speech intelligibility in a mobile communication
device by controlling operation of a vibrator based on the background noise,
July 2012.
US patent 8,223,979.
Ronaldus M. Aarts.
Monitoring apparatus for monitoring a user's heart rate and/or heart
rate variation; wristwatch comprising such a monitoring apparatus, Sept.
US patent 8,260,405.
Richard M. Moroney III, Larry Nielsen, Suzanne M. Kavanagh, Ronaldus M. Aarts,
and Margreet de Kok.
Biometric monitor with electronics disposed on or in a neck collar,
Nov. 2012.
US patent 8,308,641.
Xi Long, Pedro Fonseca, Jérôme Foussier, Reinder Haakma, and Ronald M.
Using Dynamic Time Warping for Sleep and Wake Discrimination,
Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and
Health Informatics (BHI 2012), pp. 886-889, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China,
2-7 Jan 2012.
José L. Ferreira, Pierre J.M. Cluitmans, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Gradient artefact correction in the EEG signal recorded within the
fMRI scanner, Biosignals 2012, Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. on
Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pp. 110-117, Vilamoura,
Portugal, Feb. 1-4, 2012.
R.W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, M. Mischi, P.H. Woerlee, and R.M. Aarts.
Improving pulse oximetry accuracy by removing motion artifacts from
photoplethysmograms using relative sensor motion: preliminary study, 40th
meeting of The International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue
(ISOTT2012), Bruges (Belgium) Aug. 19-24, 2012.
Constantin Ungureanu, Martien van Bussel, Francis Tan, Johan Arends, and
Ronald M. Aarts.
Feature comparison for real-time detection of nocturnal seizures
using accelerometry.
10th European congress on epileptology, (Best poster award), London
Sept. 30th-Oct. 4th 2012.
Xi Long, Pedro Fonseca, Reinder Haakma, Ronald Aarts, and Jérôme Foussier.
Time-Frequency Analysis of Heart Rate Variability for Sleep and Wake
Classification, (Best paper award), IEEE 12th International Conference on
BioInformatics & BioEngineering (BIBE2012), pp. 85-90, Larnaca Cyprus,
November 11-13, 2012.
Ronald M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Comparing sound radiation from a loudspeaker with that from a
flexible spherical cap on a rigid sphere.
J. Audio Eng. Soc., 59(4):201-212, April 2011.
Ronald M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Spatial impulse responses from a flexible baffled circular piston
(DOI: 10.1121/1.3562558).
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129(5):2952-2959, May 2011.
R.W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, J. Veen, Alexander van der Lee, L. Mulder, M. Stijnen,
S. van Tuijl, and Ronald M. Aarts.
PPG motion artifact handling using a self-mixing interferometric
sensor, in Optical Fibers, Sensors, and Devices for Biomedical Diagnostics
and Treatment XI, edited by Israel Gannot, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7894
(SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2011) 78940F, doi:10.1117/12.874170 Online Publication
Date: Feb 16, 2011.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Sound radiation of a non-rigid piston and pole cap compared with
NAG journaal, nr. 195, pp. 1-10, March 2011.
Ralph Wijshoff, Jeroen Veen, Alexander van der Lee, Lars Mulder, Marco Stijnen,
Sjoerd van Tuijl, and Ronald Aarts.
Reducing motion artifacts in photoplethysmograms by using light
source displacement as an artifact reference: phantom study. Biomedica Life
Science Summit, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 7-8 April 2011 .
R.W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, M. Mischi, A.M. van der Lee, P.H. Woerlee, P. Aelen,
N. Lambert, and R.M. Aarts.
Correlation of relative and global sensor motion with motion
artifacts in photoplethysmograms.
Ann. Symp. IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter (Brussels/Leuven, Be.), 2 Dec.
S.A.J. Plasier, M. Bulut, and Ronald M. Aarts.
A study of monaural beat effects on brain activity using an
electronic singing bowl.
Ann. Symp. IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter (Brussels/Leuven, Be.), 2 Dec.
X. Long, S. Pauws, M. Pijl, J. Lacroix, A.H. Goris, and R.M. Aarts.
Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation - BMI Well-Being Volume
9 Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (Eds. B. Gottfried and H.
Aghajan), chapter Part III. Improving the Well-Being Through Life-Style
and Entertainment: Predicting Daily Physical Activity in a Lifestyle
Intervention Program.
IOS Press, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-1-60750-730-7, April 2011.
Danhua Zhu, Gary Garcia Molina, Vojkan Mihajlovic, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Online BCI implementation of high-frequency phase modulated visual
stimuli, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6766/2011, pp. 645-654,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21663-370, 2011.
Danhua Zhu, J. Bieger, Gary Garcia Molina, and R.M. Aarts.
A survey of stimulation methods used in SSVEP-based BCIs, Article ID
702357, doi:10.1155/2010/702357.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2010:1-12, 2010.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Sound radiation from a resilient spherical cap on a rigid sphere
(DOI: 10.1121/1.3303978).
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 127(4):2262-2273, April 2010.
Dirk Pevernagie, R.M. Aarts, and Miche DeMeyer.
The acoustics of snoring.
Sleep Medicine Reviews, online Aug 8 2009,
doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2009.06.002, 14:131-144, April 2010.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Authors' Reply on comments on `Estimating the velocity profile and
acoustical quantities of a harmonically vibrating loudspeaker membrane from
on-axis pressure data'.
J. Audio Eng. Soc., 58(4):308-310, April 2010.
Tamara M. E. Nijsen, Ronald M. Aarts, Pierre J. M. Cluitmans, and Paul A. M.
Time-frequency analysis of accelerometry data for detection of
myoclonic seizures.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine,
14(5):1197-1203, September 2010.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Modeling a loudspeaker as a resilient spherical cap on a rigid
sphere, Convention Paper 7989 Presented at the 128th AES Convention 2010 May
22-25 London, UK.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Acoustic holography for piston sound radiation with non-uniform
velocity profiles, 17th International Congress on Sound & Vibration, pp.
1-6, Cairo, 18-22 July 2010.
R.W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, Ronald M. Aarts, Jeroen Veen, Alexander van der Lee, and
Cristian Presura.
Self-Mixing Interferometric Sensor Displacement Reference for PPG
Motion Artifact Handling.
21st ProRISC Workshop of the STW.ICT Conference, pp. 52-55,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 18-19 November, 2010.
Danhua Zhu, Gary Garcia Molina, Vojkan Mihajlovic, Shirin Abtahi, and Ronald M.
Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction (TOBI) Workshop 2010,
Integrating Brain-Computer Interfaces with Conventional Assistive Technology,
`Multichannel Phase Synchrony Analysis in SSVEP-based BCIs', Graz, Austria,
February 3-4, 2010.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
On-axis and far-field sound radiation from resilient flat and
dome-shaped radiators.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125(3):1444-1455, March 2009.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Sound radiation quantities arising from a resilient circular
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 126(4):1776-1787, October 2009.
Wieslaw Woszczyk, Jan Engel, John Usher, R.M. Aarts, and Derk Reefman.
Authors' Reply to a Comment on "Which of the Two Digital Audio
Systems Best Matches the Quality of the Analog System?".
J. Audio Eng. Soc., 57(10):833-834, October 2009.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Estimating the velocity profile and acoustical quantities of a
harmonically vibrating loudspeaker membrane from on-axis pressure data.
J. Audio Eng. Soc., 57(12):1004-1015, December 2009.
Clemens J.M. Lasance, Celine Nicole, Ronald M. Aarts, Okke Ouweltjes, Gerben
Kooijman, and Joris Nieuwendijk.
Synthetic Jet Cooling Using Asymmetric Acoustic Dipoles, Semitherm
2009, 25th Semiconductor Thermal MMM (San Jose CA), received the `Best Paper
Award', March 2009.
A.W.M. (Aad) van der Voort and R.M. Aarts.
Development of Dutch sound locators to detect airplanes (1927 -
1940), Proceedings NAG/DAGA conference, March 2009 23-26, Rotterdam, the
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Estimating the velocity profile and acoustical quantities of a
harmonically vibrating membrane from on-axis pressure data, Proceedings
NAG/DAGA conference, March 23-26 2009, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Estimating the velocity profile and acoustical quantities of a
harmonically vibrating loudspeaker membrane from on-axis pressure data,
Convention Paper 7678 Presented at the 126th Audio Eng. Soc. Convention 2009
May 7-10 Munich, Germany.
Anmin Jin, Bin Yin, Geert Morren, Haris Duric, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Performance Evaluation of a Tri-axial Accelerometry-based
Respiration Monitoring for Ambient Assisted Living.
pp. 5677-5680, 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, September 2-6, 2009.
Xi Long, Bin Yin, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Single-accelerometer-based daily physical activity classification.
EMBC'09; 31st Ann. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Soc.(Minneapolis, MN), paper SaDPo13.8, September 2-6
2009, pages 6107-6110.
R.W.C.G.R. Wijshoff, J. Veen, O. Such, R.M. Aarts, and J.W.M. Bergmans.
Towards a hemodynamic model to characterize motion artifacts in
pulse oximetry, 4th Ann.Symp. of the IEEE-EMBS Benelux Chapter (Enschede,
Netherlands.) November 9-10 2009.
Xi LONG, Steffen Pauws, Marten Pijl, Joyca Lacroix, A.H.C. Goris, and Ronald M.
Analysis and prediction of daily physical activity level data using
autoregressive integrated moving average models.
BMI'09; 3rd Workshop Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation
(Ghent, Be.), 2009.
M. Mischi, H.C.M. van den Bosch, A.H.M. Jansen, M. Sieben, R.M. Aarts, and
H.H.M. Korsten.
Quantification of Regional Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony by Magnetic
Resonance Imaging.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55(3):985-995,
March 2008.
R.M. Aarts, J.J.M. Braat, P. Dirksen, S. van Haver, C. van Heesch, and A.J.E.M.
Analytic expressions and approximations for the on-axis,
aberration-free Rayleigh and Debye integral in the case of focusing fields on
a circular aperture.
Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications,
Vol. 3 (08039), pages 1-10, December 2008.
O. Eerenberg, R.M. Aarts, and P.H.N. de With.
System Design of Advanced Video Navigation Reinforced with Audible
Sound in Personal Video Recording, Paper 1.3-5 (cr1084), IEEE-ICCE Las Vegas,
Jan.9-13, 2008.
M. Mischi, R. Hermens, J.M.G. Borsboom, M. Böhmer, R.M. Aarts, N. de Jong,
and H.H.M. Korsten.
Effects of nonlinear ultrasound propagation through varying
contrast-agent concentrations.
The Thirteenth European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast
Imaging, pp. 80-83, January 24-25, 2008 Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Clemens J.M. Lasance and Ronald M. Aarts.
Synthetic Jet Cooling Part I: Overview of Heat Transfer and
SEMI-THERM, March 16-20, 2008, San Jose, CA, pages 20-25.
Clemens J.M. Lasance, Ronald M. Aarts, and Okke Ouweltjes.
Synthetic Jet Cooling Part II: Experimental Results of an Acoustic
Dipole Cooler.
SEMI-THERM, March 16-20, 2008, San Jose, CA, pages 26-32.
G. de Bruijne, P. Sommen, and R.M. Aarts.
Detection of epileptic seizures through audio classification.
4th European Congress of the International Federation for
Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), pp.1450-1454, 23-27 Nov. 2008,
Antwerpen Belgium.
J.J.F.A.H. Grootens, M. Mischi, M. Böhmer, H.H.M. Korsten, and R.M. Aarts.
Modeling of ultrasound propagation through contrast agent.
4th European Congress of the International Federation for
Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 23-27 Nov. 2008, Antwerpen
T.M.E. Nijsen, R.M. Aarts, J.B.A.M. Arends, and P.J.M Cluitmans.
Automated detection of tonic seizures using 3-d accelerometry.
4th European Congress of the International Federation for
Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), 23-27 Nov. 2008, Antwerpen
Tamara Mathea Elisabeth Nijsen.
Accelerometry based detection of epileptic seizures.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, Sept. 11 2008,
with supervisors R.M. Aarts and P.A.J.M. Boon.
R.M. Aarts.
Some informal survey and notes of patents related to sleep, sound-
masking and reduction, in particular with RAPTOPOULOS ANDREAS as the
inventor, Aug. 9 2008.
Ronald M. Aarts.
Device for Detecting and Warning of Medical Condition.
US Pat. Appl. 20080319281, Appl. No.: 12/158375 Filed: Dec. 19, 2006,
Dec. 25, 2008.
R.M. Aarts.
The application of illusions and psychoacoustics to small loudspeaker
In Illussions in sound - AES 22nd UK Conference, Paper 7, pp.
7.1-7.7, 2007, 11-12 April 2007, Cambridge, Engeland, 2007.
Wieslaw Woszczyk, Jan Engel, John Usher, Ronald M. Aarts, and Derk Reefman.
Which of the two digital audio systems best matches the quality of
the analog system?
AES 31st International Conference London, UK, Paper 2.1, pp.
1-19, June 25-27, 2007.
Tamara M.E. Nijsen, Ronald M. Aarts, Johan B.A.M. Arends, and Pierre J.M.
Model for arm movements during myoclonic seizures.
Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the IEEE EMBS Lyon
(FrA02.4), pp. 1582-1585, France, Aug. 23-26 2007.
M. Mischi, H.C.M. van den Bosch, A.H.M. Jansen, R.M. Aarts, and H.H.M. Korsten.
Assessment of ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony by short-axis
Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the IEEE EMBS Lyon
(SaD03.5), pp. 6011-6014, France, Aug. 23-26 2007, 2007.
Tamara M.E. Nijsen, A.J.E.M. Janssen, and Ronald M. Aarts.
Analysis of a wavelet arising from a model for arm movements during
epileptic seizures.
ProRISC Workshop, Veldhoven 29-30 November 2007, Nov. 2007,
pages 238-241.
T.M.E. Nijsen, R.M. Aarts, P.J.M. Cluitmans, and P.A.M. Griep.
Evaluation of time-frequency based detection method for myoclonic
Annual Symposium of the IEEE/EMBS Benelux Chapter, 6-7
December, 2007 Heeze, the Netherlands, page 29.
B. Hermens, M. Mischi, M. Böhmer, R.M. Aarts, and H.H.M. Korsten.
Nonlinear propagation of ultrasound through varying contrastagent
Annual Symposium of the IEEE/EMBS Benelux Chapter, 6-7
December, 2007 Heeze, the Netherlands, pages 42-44.
Password: Philips Research technology magazine - issue 29, p. 20: Announcement
Ronald Aarts IEEE Fellow, and pp. 26-30: Beyond physics for superior sound
Philips Research is mixing innovative loudspeaker technology with physics,
digital signal processing and just a little audio `mind magic' to bring
high-fidelity sound reproduction to tomorrow's products. By Steven Keeping
and Andrew Woolls-King, February 2007.
R.M. Aarts, J.A.M. Nieuwendijk, and Okke Ouweltjes.
Efficient Resonant Loudspeakers with Large Form-Factor Design
J. Audio Eng. Soc., 54(10):940-953, October 2006.
R.M. Aarts.
Method and apparatus for reducing the word length of a digital input
signal and method and apparatus for recovering a digital input signal, August
US patent 7,088,779.
R.M. Aarts, Fransiscus Marinus Jozephus de Bont, Paulus Henricus Antonius
Dillen, and Augustus Josephus Elizabeth Maria Janssen.
Multichannel audio signal processing device, September 2006.
US patent 7,110,556.
R.M. Aarts, J.A.M. Nieuwendijk, and Okke Ouweltjes.
Efficient resonant loudspeakers with large form-factor design
120th AES Convention Paris 2006 May 20-23, Convention paper
T.M.E. Nijsen, P.J.M. Cluitmans, P.A.M. Griep, and R.M. Aarts.
Short time Fourier and wavelet transform for accelerometric
detection of myoclonic seizures.
First IEEE/EMBS Benelux Symposium Brussels, Dec. 7-8, 2006.
R.M. Aarts.
AmIware Hardware Technology Drivers of Ambient Intelligence,
chapter Enabling Technologies and Devices. Sec. 6.3 Hardware for Ambient
Sound Reproduction, pages 403-419.
Springer Philips Research Book Series Volume 5, 2006.
Ed. S. Mukherjee et al.
R.M. Aarts.
Revision for the Chapter `Audio Systems' of the 5th ed. of the
Standard Handbook of Electronic Engineering, McGraw-Hill, ed. D. Christiansen
et al., ISBN 0-07-138421-9, 2005.
D.W.E. Schobben and R.M. Aarts.
Personalized multi-channel headphone sound reproduction based on
active noise cancellation.
Acta Acoustica, 91(3):440-450, 2005.
R.M. Aarts, O. Ouweltjes, and D.W.E. Schobben.
A low-cost, lightweight, flat and very-high-efficiency loudspeaker
system for low frequencies.
NAG J. Nr. 174 March 2005, pages 1-4, 2005.
Armin Kohlrausch, Ronald Aarts, and Ingrid Heynderickx.
Designed around your brain, Password Philips Research technology
magazine, pp. 8-11, issue 22, Feb. 2005.
Nicolas Le Goff, R.M. Aarts, and A.G. Kohlrausch.
Thresholds for hearing mistuning of the fundamental component in a
complex sound.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Acoustics
(ICA2004), Paper Mo.P3.21, p. I-865, (Kyoto, Japan), 2004.
R.M. Aarts, D. Reefman, and Erwin Janssen.
Super audio CD - An overview.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Acoustics
(ICA2004), Paper No.We4.E.3, p. III-2179-III-2182, (Kyoto, Japan), 2004.
Esko Dijk, K. van Berkel, R.M. Aarts, and E. van Loenen.
A 3-D Indoor Positioning Method using a Single Compact Base
Proceedings of the Second IEEE Annual Conference on Pervasive
Computing and communication (PERCOM'04) Orlando, pp. 101-110, March 14-17
Esko Olavi Dijk.
Indoor Ultrasonic Position Estimation Using a Single Base Station.
PhD Thesis at Eindhoven University of Technology, Oct. 6 2004, with
supervisors C.H. van Berkel, J.W.M. Bergmans, and R.M. Aarts.
J. Rodenas, R.M. Aarts, and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Derivation of an optimal directivity pattern for sweet spot widening
in stereo sound reproduction.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 113(1):267-278, 2003.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Approximation of the Struve function H1 occurring in impedance
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 113(5):2635-2637, May 2003.
J. Vanderkooy, P.M. Boers, and R.M. Aarts.
Direct-Radiator Loudspeaker Systems with High Bl.
Convention Paper 5742 Presented at the AES 114th Convention
2003 March 22-25, Amsterdam, 2003.
R.M. Aarts, Erik Larsen, and O. Ouweltjes.
A unified approach to low- and high-frequency bandwidth extension.
Convention Paper 5921 Presented at the AES 115th Convention
2003, Oct. 10-13, New York, USA, 2003.
R.M. Aarts and D.W.E. Schobben.
3D headphones based on active noise cancellation.
International Workshop on Spatial and Binaural Hearing, June
16-19, Utrecht, 2003.
Esko Dijk, K. van Berkel, R.M. Aarts, and E. van Loenen.
Ultrasonic 3D position estimation using a single base station.
European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (EUSAI 2003), 3-4
November 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Esko Dijk, K. van Berkel, R.M. Aarts, and E. van Loenen.
Estimation of 3D device position by analyzing Ultrasonic reflection
ProRISC 2003: 14th Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal
Processing, Veldhoven The Netherlands, November 26-27 2003.
Esko Dijk, K. van Berkel, R.M. Aarts, and E. van Loenen.
Single Base-station Positioning Method using Ultrasonic
Ubicomp 2003, 5th Int. Conf. pp. 199-200, Seattle, WA, October
12-15 2003.
R.M. Aarts and C.-J.L. van Driel.
The new everyday: Views on Ambient Intelligence, chapter
Ambient Video, displays, audio and lighting.
010 Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-6450-502-0,
E. Aarts and Stefano Marzano, eds.
R.M. Aarts, R. Irwan, and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
Efficient tracking of the cross-correlation coefficient.
IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Proc., 10(6):391-402,
September 2002.
E. Larsen, R.M. Aarts, and Michael Danessis.
Efficient high-frequency bandwidth extension of music and speech.
Proceedings of the 112th AES Convention, Munich, Convention
paper 5627, May 2002.
D. Schobben and R.M. Aarts.
Three-dimensional Headphone Sound Reproduction Based on Active Noise
Convention Paper 5713 Presented at the AES 113th Convention,
Los Angeles, CA, USA, Oct. 5-8 2002.
R.M. Aarts, H. Greten, and P. Swarte.
A special form of noise reduction.
In Conference paper of the 21st AES Conference St. Petersburg
Russia. Audio Eng. Soc., June 2002.
R.M. Aarts, E. Larsen, and D. Schobben.
Improving perceived bass and reconstruction of high frequencies for
band limited signals.
Proceedings first IEEE Benelux workshop on MPCA-20 Leuven,
Belgium, Nov. 15 2002, pages 59-71.
R.M. Aarts.
Review of the book `The estimation and tracking of frequencies' by
B.G. Quinn and E.J. Hannan.
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5/3(3):271, September 2002.
R. Irwan and Ronald M. Aarts.
A method to convert stereo to multi-channel sound.
The proceedings of the AES 19th International Conference,
Schloss Elmau (Kleis), Germany, June 21-24, pages 139-143, 2001.
J.A. Rodenas and R.M. Aarts.
Sweet spot widening for stereophonic sound reproduction.
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal
processing to Audio and Acoustics (Mohonk 2001), pages 191-194, October
R.M. Aarts and A.J.E.M. Janssen.
On analytic design of loudspeaker arrays with uniform radiation
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 107(1):287-292, January 2000.
R.M. Aarts and R.T.J Toonen Dekkers.
Mono-stereo conversion device, an audio reproduction system using
such a device and a mono-stereo conversion method, July 2000.
US patent 6,084,970.
R.M. Aarts, J. Smeets, and P.C.W. Sommen.
Bandwidth extension of narrow-band speech, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE
Benelux Signal Processing Symposium (SPS-2000), Hilvarenbeek, March 23-24,
R.M. Aarts.
Device for indicating a probability that a received signal is a
speech signal, March 1999.
US patent 5,878,391 (Priority date BE9300775 July 26 1993).
R.M. Aarts, P.A.C. Beijer, and R.T.J Toonen Dekkers.
Arrangement, a system, a circuit and a method for enhancing a stereo
image, Dec. 1999.
US patent 6,002,774.
Catherine Polisset, E. Larsen, and R.M. Aarts.
Ultra bass and extensions.
Philips Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Veldhoven, 9-10
November 1999.
R. Irwan, R.M. Aarts, and D.A.C.M. Roovers.
Multi-channel reproduction of stereo sound using space mapping.
Philips Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Veldhoven, 9-10
November 1999.
R.M. Aarts.
Signal processing circuit including a signal combining circuit
stereophonic audio reproduction system including the signal processing
circuit and an audio-visual reproduction system including the stereophonic
audio reproduction system (aka `incredible sound'), April 1998.
US patent 5,742,687.
R.M. Aarts, A.W.M. Mathijssen, P.C.W. Sommen, and J. Garas.
Efficient Block Frequency Domain Filtered-x applied to Phantom Sound
Source Generation.
In preprint 4650 of the 104th AES Convention Amsterdam, May
P.C.W. Sommen, R.M. Aarts, A.W.M. Mathijssen, J. Garas, and Haiyan He.
Efficient realizations of phantom sources.
ProRISC/IEEE workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal
Processing (CSSP-97), Mierlo, the Netherlands, November 27-28, 1997.
R.M. Aarts, Haiyan He, and P.C.W. Sommen.
Phantom sources applied to stereo-base widening using long frequency
domain adaptive filters.
ProRISC/IEEE workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal
Processing, Mierlo, the Netherlands, November 27-28, 1996.
M.R. Gander, editor.
Loudspeakers Vol. 4: Transducer, Measurement and Evaluation
(Selections from Vol.32-39 (1984-1991)) R.M. Aarts: Calculation of the
Loudness of Loudspeakers during Listening Tests.
Audio Eng. Soc., 1996.
ISBN 0-937803-29-4.
M.R. Gander, editor.
Loudspeakers Vol. 3: Systems and Crossover Networks (Selections
from Vol.32-39 (1984-1991)), R.M. Aarts: A New Method for the Design of
Crossover Filters .
Audio Eng. Soc., 1996.
ISBN 0-937803-28-6.
M.R. Gander, editor.
Loudspeakers Vol. 3: Systems and Crossover Networks (Selections
from Vol.32-39 (1984-1991)), R.M. Aarts and A.J.M. Kaizer: Simulation of
Loudspeaker Crossover Filters with a Digital Signal Processor.
Audio Eng. Soc., 1996.
ISBN 0-937803-28-6.
R.M. Aarts.
System for deriving a center channel signal from an adapted weighted
combination of the left and right channels in a stereophonic audio signal,
US patent 5,426,702.
R.M. Aarts.
Enlarging the sweet-spot for stereophony by time-intensity trading.
In preprint 3473(C1-1) of the 94th AES Convention Berlin, pages
1-15. Audio Eng. Soc., March 1993.
R.M. Aarts and S.M. Verduyn Lunel.
Symbolic Analysis of loudspeaker crossover filters.
J. Wiley, 1993.
In: Computer Algebra in Industry Edited by: A.M. Cohen.
R.M. Aarts.
Time/intensity trading stereophony for (HD)TV and audio
In 14th International Congress on Acoustics (Beijing, China),
September 1992.
(session L8-3).
P.M. Boers and R.M. Aarts.
Signal processing for binaural applications: Adapting loudspeaker
signals for headphone reproduction.
NAG journaal, (104):71-79, September 1990.
R.M. Aarts.
Calculation of the loudness of loudspeakers during listening tests.
In preprint 2928(J-4) of the 88th AES Convention Montreux March
13-16. Audio Eng. Soc., 1990.
R.M. Aarts.
Een nieuwe ontwerpmethode voor luidspreker overnamefilters (A new
method for the design of crossover filters).
NAG journaal, (97):27-40, March 1989.
R.M. Aarts.
A new method for the design of loudspeaker crossover filters.
In Session (J-5) of the 86th Audio Eng. Soc. Convention Hamburg
March 7-10 1989, (published in JAES, 37(6) pp.445-454, June 1989).
R.M. Aarts and A.J.M. Kaizer.
Simulation of loudspeaker crossover filters with a digital signal
J. Audio Eng. Soc., 36(3):115-121, March 1988.
Appeared earlier as preprint 2471 (K-1) at the 82nd AES Convention,
March 1987, London.
K.A. Schouhamer Immink, R.M. Aarts, and J.A.H.M. Kahlman.
Color video system with digital audio pulse width modulation, April
US patent 4,660,097.
R.M. Aarts and A.J.M. Kaizer.
Simulation of loudspeaker crossover filters with a digital signal
In preprint 2471(K-1) of the 82nd AES Convention London 10-13
March. Audio Eng. Soc., 1987.
K.A. Schouhamer Immink and R.M. Aarts.
Dropout circuit arrangement for converting an information signal into
a rectangular signal, 1985.
US patent 4,499,570.
K.A. Schouhamer Immink, R.M. Aarts, and W.G. Ophey.
Method of recording a digital information signal on a record carrier
having a radiation-sensitive information layer, apparatus for carrying out
the method, and optical record carrier provided with such a digital
information signal, 1984.
US patent 4,473,829.
K.A. Schouhamer Immink and R.M. Aarts.
Maximization of recording density obtainable in Te-alloys.
Proceedings of SPIE- The Int. Soc. for Optical Eng., April
19-20, Geneva, Switzerland., pages 181-188, 1983.
J.G. Dil, N.C.J.A. van Hijningen, F. van Dorst, and R.M. Aarts.
Improved tandem Fabry-Perot interferometer.
Philips Research Newsletter, 88:10-11, 1982.
J.G. Dil, N.C.J.A. van Hijningen, F. van Dorst, and R.M. Aarts.
Tandem multipass Fabry-Perot interferometer for Brillouin
Applied Optics, 20(8):1374-1381, 1981.